Since 1959 we have been passionate about our mission to ensure our scholars receive a strong, well-rounded academic and faith-filled foundation in a safe and stimulating environment. Interdisciplinary learning encourages our scholars to analyze, collaborate, discover and create; preparing scholars to be productive citizens and future leaders.
Although, before
you give,
"Thank You!"Your support touches the lives of so many scholars in a positive way and we wanted
you to know how much we appreciate
your gift!
Tuition covers approximately 76% of the amount spent annually on each scholar. The gap is covered largely from donations to our Annual Fund. Every dollar donated supports the CORE needs of teachers' salaries and benefits, facilities, classroom instructional materials and administrative expenses ranging from Athletics to Technology!
you can give $50 or $5,000+,
your gift in any amount is extremely important, because every gift plays a part in our success and the success of our scholars!
Please make
your tax-deductible gift to the Fund today!