The day #ColtsGive to the Fund for Corpus Christi Catholic School. Join the movement and make a difference. Your gift to the Fund today will make an impact which lasts a lifetime, a Catholic education.
Discover the Difference here! Ask our parents about us! #ChooseCatholicSchools Corpus Christi Catholic School is fully accredited by the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops Education Department (TCCB ED), which is recognized by the Texas Education Agency. Certified #STREAM, like #STEM including #religion & #arts #escuelacatólica #diversity #discovercatholicschoolsweek
Our biggest party of the year! February 18, 2023. We are thrilled to honor two dedicated, long time volunteers and supporters of Corpus Christi Catholic School, Gilbert and DeeDee Garcia. Thank you for your commitment to Catholic education! Silent and Big Board items are now open for bidding! New items being added daily, click on the Mardi Gras icon to register and begin your bidding!
Calling all teams & tasters! Join is Saturday, February 4, 2023 from 6-8 PM in Prefontaine Hall. Click on the icon to register your chili team, pre-sale tickets and sponsorships. Thank you for supporting CCCS Steps for Students fundraising benefiting our students.