Registration is now open, early bird discount for all registering prior to October 31st. To join the Colt team visit:
Join the run! Join the fun! Steps4Students, takes place in downtown Houston on February 12, 2022. Click here to register- be sure to select Corpus Christi Catholic School-Houston. Run/walk the race, "Hit the Snooze" button or donate to a team member's fundraising page. YOUR enthusiasm and team spirit opens doors and supports Corpus Christi Catholic School scholars on their journey as they become disciples of Christ through education focused on faith, academics, and service.
YOU DID IT! Your first ever Virtual 5K! #ColtPride There’s still time for donations (by March 13) to reach your fundraising goal. The CCCS team goal is $10,000 and currently at $7,345 AMAZING! Remember, funds raised come right back to OUR school! #CCCS #InThisTogether
Colts and Cocoa Valentine's Day Treat! $14.00 per gift set (includes 14 oz. Colt ceramic mug, hot cocoa mix & marshmallows). Order online today. All proceeds support Steps4Students fundraising = Corpus Christi Catholic School students.
Our school pride was shining bright on Tuesday, Jan 5. Did you know: Students are allowed to wear their Steps for Students t-shirts every Tuesday until March 2! Need to order yours? Deadline is January 12, order online today!
Thanks to our generous Steps for Students CCCS team t-shirt sponsors! YOU make the BIG DIFFERENCE at Corpus Christi Catholic School. #Blessed Be sure to register for our team! #InThisTogether #RunWithTheColts
Congratulations Zoe (6th) for being the winner of the Official Steps for Students race shirt design! We are so proud of you! Get your official Steps for Students t-shirt (with design inspired by our very own ZOE!) Register today.
Order your team t-shirt today! All sizes are $18.00 proceeds benefit the CCCS Steps for Students fundraising! Deadline to order is December 15, 2020. Congratulations to our t-shirt design winner MICHELLE NGUYEN (8th). #AWESOME
Run your own route anytime between February 20 and March 6! Each registrant for this year's virtual 5K will receive the official race t-shirt, race bib and medal. Sign up for the Corpus Christi Catholic School team today!
Attention all students: Submit your drawing to your homeroom teacher by November 2, 2020 for your chance to win! Prizes include: Certificate of Recognition, free t-shirt, a $50.00 gift card and of course bragging rights! #RunWithTheColts #InThisTogether See flyer for details regarding your submission. Contact Mrs. Miller with questions. Thanks!
Run your own route anytime between February 20 and March 6! Participate in a school event or log your miles using the Racejoy app. Each registrant for this year's virtual 5K will receive the official race t-shirt, race bib and medal. Sign up for the Corpus Christi Catholic School team today!