Discover the Difference here! Ask our parents about us! #ChooseCatholicSchools Corpus Christi Catholic School is fully accredited by the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops Education Department (TCCB ED), which is recognized by the Texas Education Agency. Certified #STREAM, like #STEM including #religion & #arts #escuelacatólica #diversity #discovercatholicschoolsweek
#DYK Serving on a Catholic School Board is a #ministry. Members provide a service for the Catholic school community. The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops Education Department (TCCB ED) requires each school to have a governing body in place. Catholic School Boards are advisory to the Principal & Pastor. Thinking about it? Submit your inquiry to Dr. McCoy
The Knights of Columbus will not let a pandemic stop the annual Lenten Fish Fry this year! Drive Thru Fish Fry starting February 26th from 5:30PM-7PM. Fry Dates: (Feb 26, Mar. 12 & Mar. 26) Time: 5:30PM-7:30 PM Price: $10.00 Adults, $5.00 Kids