The day #ColtsGive to the Fund for Corpus Christi Catholic School. Join the movement and make a difference. Your gift to the Fund today will make an impact which lasts a lifetime, a Catholic education.
Discover the Difference here! Ask our parents about us! #ChooseCatholicSchools Corpus Christi Catholic School is fully accredited by the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops Education Department (TCCB ED), which is recognized by the Texas Education Agency. Certified #STREAM, like #STEM including #religion & #arts #escuelacatólica #diversity #discovercatholicschoolsweek
The Knights of Columbus will not let a pandemic stop the annual Lenten Fish Fry this year! Drive Thru Fish Fry starting February 26th from 5:30PM-7PM. Fry Dates: (Feb 26, Mar. 12 & Mar. 26) Time: 5:30PM-7:30 PM Price: $10.00 Adults, $5.00 Kids
Celebrate Catholic Schools week! Use the hashtag #CSW21 and share your reasons for choosing Corpus Christi Catholic School on social media! Our daily lineup will keep our students engaged while we celebrate! Catholic Schools: Faith. Excellence. Service. Esculeas Catholicas: Fe. Excelencia. Servicio.
Thank you for your support of the Corpus Christi Catholic School Works of Mercy service project this month, honoring St. Francis of Assisi. Great job by our National Junior Honor Society members for their hard work making banners, bins and organizing the donations!
Corpus Christi Catholic School students continue to collect canned/dry pet food #donations for a local pet shelter. Your donation can be dropped off in specially marked boxes at the church or can dropped off during morning drop-off or afternoon pick-up. #Thankyou to all who have donated - your support is appreciated!