Corpus Christi Catholic School appreciates the many volunteers who help with school fundraiser and events. We could not do it without your constant support! If you would like to volunteer, contact Cindy Quintanilla or call the school at 713-664-3351.
There are many ways that current parents, alumni, parishioners and friends can give their time and talent to Corpus Christi Catholic School. Our students are not the only ones who make friends for life through shared experiences at our school.
Parents who get involved are enriched by new friendships and the spirit of service that is part of the Corpus Christi Catholic School tradition.
We continue to see alumni parents returning to volunteer and donate, confirming the value an education at Corpus Christi Catholic School brings to our students.
Every parent and guardian is a member of the PSO. We are fortunate to have a dedicated group of volunteers. This group not only provides hospitality for our school-wide events, it also builds community among our parents and guardians as they share their knowledge and talents, while serving on various committees.
The Fund for Corpus Christi Catholic School is led by parent volunteers. Current parents are organized into teams by grade level and homeroom, which encourages all parents to give to the annual fund. Whether they are manning the phones during a phon-a-thon or strategizing a blitz drive, these parents are working to make Corpus Christi Catholic School a better place for all our students.
If you enjoy planning beautiful parties, consider joining the Auction Gala Committee. This group of volunteers brings to life the annual Corpus Christi Catholic School Auction Gala. If you like collecting unique items for the auctions, decorating a room for the event or simply pitching in to make the Gala run smoothly, the Gala Committee needs your help.
More than 70% of Corpus Christi Catholic School students are involved in at least one sport. The Athletics Volunteers are dedicated to providing support for these young student-athletes as they pursue their championship dreams.
Opportunities include:
There are many ways to volunteer at Corpus Christi Catholic School: